Frank McNeely

Frank McNeely


We would like to thank you for visiting our church website and introduce ourselves. We are Frank and Patty McNeely. Our marriage has been blessed with a family of three sons, daughters-in-law and now seven grandchildren. The Lord’s provisions in our lives have been overwhelming.

Patty and I were born again and filled with the Holy Spirit during the charismatic renewal that swept our country in the 1970’s. We became a part of a growing independent church in El Paso, TX. As the Lord worked in our lives, we grew closer to Him and our church. I became a staff member in 1992 after having served as an elder since 1986. Patty and I served together until 2002 when we “retired” to our cabin in the Cloudcroft area. We soon became a part of Mountain of the Lord Faith Fellowship and have been a part of this church for the past twelve years.

We invite you to visit our church and experience a most loving and caring congregation that will welcome you with open arms.